Recommendation No. 98 (2002) on the project to build a motorway through the Kresna Gorge (Bulgaria), adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 2002

Dec. 04, 2015
The Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, acting under the terms of Article 14 of the Convention,
Recommends that the Bulgarian Government:
2. ensure that the decision on the routing of the motorway is taken on the basis of an in-depth environmental impact assessment (EIA) supplemented by scientific and mapping data and any other useful source of knowledge on the area concerned by the project, to justify the choice of alternative as recommended in the expert's report;

3. consider the possibility of abandoning the option of enlarging the current road since this would substantially increase damage to a unique site, without possible measures of compensation, and continue studying alternative routes located outside the gorge that would respect the natural constraints as far as possible and provide for the integration of engineering works and compensate for environmental impact;
Recommendation No. 98 (2002) on the project to build a motorway through the Kresna Gorge (Bulgaria), adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 2002
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