What is genetic engineering?
Genetic engineering is a radically new technology used by scientists for manipulation of the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineering of plants started in the laboratories in the last century’s 80-ies with big promises for feeding the world and coping with starvation.
GMO in the world
13 years after the first substantial cultivation of GM crops in the USA in 1996 the facts referring to GMO are (www.foeeurope.org/GMOs/Whobenefits/ExSummaryFeb08.pdf):
* Only 2.4% of all the agricultural land in the world is planted with GM crops;
* 176 out of 192 countries do not cultivate GMO;
* 5 countries cultivate almost 90% of all GM plants in the world – the USA (50%), Argentine (17%), Brasil (11%), Canada (6%) and Paraguay;
* 4 GM plants occupy almost the whole area with GM crops – soya, maize, and cotton (95%) and GM oil-bearing coleseed (4%);
* Only 2 varieties are cultivated – which are tolerant to herbicides and insects.
GMO in Europe
1 crop – the only one GM crop allowed for cultivation in Europe is Monsanto’s maize hybrid MON810.
GMO – assertions and facts
Is the environment impact of the usage of pesticides decreased?
Just on the contrary – the quantity of pesticides in the cultivation of GM plants is increasing which is confirmed in 19 countries (Bayer). It was first established in the USA in the 1970ies with observation of weed resistance to atrazine, in 1980 the resistance of weeds to ALS inhibitors was observed. For the period 1994–2005 a 15-fold increase of glyphosate in the cultivation of soya, maize, and cotton is reported. The use of atrazine (forbidden in Europe because of health related problems) in maize cultivation in the USA has increased by 12% for three years – from 2002 to 2005.
Are yields increasing?
With neither of the genetic modified plants was the aim of increasing yields achieved despite of scientists’ efforts.
The tolerant to herbicides soya and cotton diminish the need of working force but they give lower yields than the conventional varieties and generate lower profits for the farmers. In regions of greater dry spells and dry climate the RR (Roundup Ready) soya gives lower yields. In the best cases the yields from the GM crops are the same as the conventional ones. Yields are influenced by factors as climate, irrigation and others non-GM factors and depend to a larger extent on farmers’ skills than on the fact of being genetically modified.
Is it possible to solve the crisis and food price increase?
For the recent two years the prices of maize have climbed up by 50%, of soya by 76%, of wheat – by 54%, by 104% for rice, and by 134% for Roundup Ready. Monsanto’s profits for the period 2007–2010 are forecasted to increase by 74% (Goldman Sachs). With the rising up of food prices the profits of multinational agrochemical companies will increase exponentially. Farmers are left with lower yields, higher herbicide prices, higher seed prices, loss of markets and freedom of choice.
What is a Bt рlant?
Bt-рlants were created in 1996 by the means of modification with genes of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) so that the рlant itself can produce the protein whereby protecting itself from insects on its own without any treatment with Bt and/or synthetic pesticides . Plants- pesticides are the Bt-maize, Bt-potato and Bt-cotton.
The case of Bt-maize in Spain
Although in Spain the problem of the corn borer is a minor one, according to the report of a working group with the government, in 2002 the state decided to become the only country in Europe producing the only allowed for cultivation agricultural crop – that is Bt-maize MON810. After 2006 the cases of contamination became more frequent and as a protest sign an agricultural producer of biological maize burnt his entire produce as he could not sell his produce polluted by GM pollens from the neighboring fields.
Prohibition of the MON810 maize hybrid in Europe
Until now 6 countries in the EU prohibited the cultivation of GM maize: Austria (1999), Greece (2005), Hungary (2006), France (2008), Luxemburg (2009), Germany (2009).
“The Monsanto MON810 maize variety is dangerous for the environment and this is proved by new real evidence.” – says Ilse EIgner, Minister of Agriculture of Germany.
In these 6 countries the prohibition is based on safeguard clauses in Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulations 1829/2003 allowing for a concrete prohibition of GM varieties based on scientific evidence related with dangers for the environment and human health.
Other prohibitions
Switzerland – moratorium from 2005 to 2013 including prohibition of the cultivation of all GM crops, as well as the use of GMO for animal food;
Italy - prohibition of any GMO until the legislation on “coexistence” is effective;
Poland - prohibition of the sale of GM seeds;
Austria – prohibition of the MON863, T25 and Bt176 maize hybrids; oleaginous cole-seed GT73, Rf3, Ms8, Ms8xRf3.
Argumentation of the prohibition
Danger for the environment
In the last 3 years sufficient scientific evidence was accumulated demonstrating convincingly that the effects of the Bt-maize varieties rather far away from the expectations and that their dangerous potential is even greater than the foreseen one.
“Farmers are pressured to use greater and additional quantities of insecticides in order to beat this resistance of pests thus favoring the pesticides producers who often are the same companies that produce GMO”, reads a report of the European Commission to the World Trade Organization criticizing the risk assessment regarding GMO and specifically the Bt-plants.
In February 2008 37 scientists from 11 countries signed an open letter to the European Commissioner Stavros Dimas supporting his proposal to reject the authorisation for cultivation of the GM Bt-maize varieties1507 and Bt11. They underlined the lack of consensus as regards the security of GM plants and substantiated a request for “temporary prohibition of cultivation until a well grounded risk assessment is performed”. (http://www.vdwev.de/Scientists%20letter%20to%20Dimas.pdf).
“Target-insects develop resistance to insecticides produced by Bt GM plants. The MON810 maize has the property to produce the insecticidal Cry1Ab molecules in a great quantity and incessantly. This property enables the appearance of pest resistance (Tabashnik, B.E, 2008).
The active CRY1AB toxin produced by the MON810 maize continues to exist in the soil and water systems for more than 350 days after cultivation which could bring about impacts on non-target organisms. This gives reason to say that this variety of maize is dangerous for the environment (Rosi-Marshall, E.J, 2007).
“The change from one pest species to another. In 2006 conducted research in the USA by Catangui show that new insects simply fill up the niche of organisms killed by the Bt-maize (for example the European corn borer) (Catangui M.A. et al. 2006). Pollen dissemination.
It is pointed out in a report by the Interim Commission of the supreme body for genetically modified organisms in France (Yvon Le Maho, 2008) that the distance which pollens cover is very big (more than 10 km). Maize is a crop that is sensitive to cross-pollination and it is proven that commercial hybrids produce more pollens as compared to their parent lines.
Impact on human health
The Bt-protein produced by MON810 in contrast to the naturally produced one by bacilli is additionally modified which changes its functions making it pathogenic. For the time being there is no research proving the harmlessness of this transgenic plant as regards human health, but there are some researches showing the immune system reaction of mice and other organisms caused y the Cry1ab protein.
Social and economic considerations
The Roudup Ready herbicide quantity in the USA has increased 15 folds, the necessity of quantity increase and additional pesticide treatments for target enemies is a fact, as well as for unexpected new enemies. The concentration of seed production and trade, as well as of pesticides in the hand of several multinational companies causes damage to petty agricultural producers.
Arguments for ban of MON810 in Bulgaria
Law arguments
From the perspective of legislation, in lack of risk assessment and analyses which reflect the specific conditions in Bulgaria it is necessary to implement the safeguard clause of the European Regulations and Directive.
Scientific arguments
Scientific researches for the specific Bulgarian biogeographical region are lacking which hinders the performance of a risk assessment concerning the MON810 hybrid cultivation as required by European law, article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulations 1829/2003.
Bulgaria’s benefits from the MON810 hybrid prohibition
» Market opportunity in the European Union where GM crops are subjected to rigid limitations and rejected by consumers and traders.
» Freedom for the agricultural producers to choose the supply manner and suppliers of seeds and plant protection means.
» Possibility for preservation of the traditional varieties and development of new ones on the basis of conventional and safe technologies.
» Possibility to preserve the territories of the National Ecological Network – the national and nature parks, reserves, areas under Natura 2000, ecologically sensitive areas, as well as biological production farms.
» Possibility for Bulgaria to preserve its image of a country of tasty and safe food, conserved nature wealth and sustainable tourism development.
The GMO alternative
Evidence is increasing showing that GM plants are not a solution to poverty and famine in the world, neither to increasing ecological problems such as climate change. The four-year global research “International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development” (IAASTD Report – http://www.agassessment.org/) known as the World Agriculture Report under the auspices of the World bank , UN and the world health Organization concludes that the best way to fight world famine is the shift to methods based on biological diversity. The Report underlines the importance of biological agriculture which offers not only food, raw materials and biomass but also services and functions for ecosystems and asserts impact on the landscape and culture. When economic, social, and ecologic price is continuously on the rise we have to ask ourselves who is benefiting from this?
Dr. Svetla Nikolova, Agrolink
Translation: Prolet Ilieva