We take this opportunity of thanking our colleagues from the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water and the Fifth Regional Police Department for their swift reaction, and most of all, of thanking the young people who submitted the signal.
The hunt and sale of protected songbirds are frequent practices in the town of Plovdiv and its surroundings although the catching of wild birds and their transportation or sale is prohibited by the Law on Biodiversity. On the initiative of Green Balkans the year 2001 saw the creation of the Working Group against Poaching and Illegal Trade in Protected Species in the surroundings of Plovdiv. Participating in this Group are representatives of the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water, Regional Border Service, Regional Veterinary Medicine Service, Plovdiv Municipality and Asenovgrad Municipality, the Police, the Hunting Society and others. Inspections are performed on an annual basis against the catching and sale of protected species. Up to now more than 50 inspections were performed and more than 450 songbirds were set free. Nevertheless, poaching of songbirds goes on ...
For additional information:
Gradimir Gradev, Coordinator of “Field Activities”
Tel. 885609289, ggradev@greenbalkans.org
Picture: Green Balkans. Songbirds often die, very often after being caught.