In solidarity with the accused COP15 activists

Aug. 23, 2010
In solidarity with the accused COP15 activists
Approximately 20 people were detained for up to a month, out of which four people are faced with trials in Denmark this autumn. These people are accused of charges including planning violence against police, systematic vandalism and serious disturbance of public peace and order. The charges they face are unfounded, but can still potentially result in years in prison.

During COP15 thousands of people from around the world gathered in Copenhagen to challenge the farcical political negotiations at the Bella Center and demand just solutions to the climate crises.

This dawning climate justice movement was met with antipathy and arrogance of power from the Danish government, which was reflected in the form of a massive police repression. The police actions were completely out of proportion and a clear violation of our democratic rights. Their actions attempted criminalization of our right to organize ourselves politically. It was made clear that any movement that dares to challenge existing power structures and demand political changes are not welcome in Denmark today. And now the Danish state is trying to make four individuals responsible for a whole movement’s collective decision-making and collective protests.

In our view – the right to protest and everyone’s right to be heard, is an essential element in a democracy. The coming trials is not just about the fact that innocent people might be convicted, but about everybody’s right to speak out and take action in a free way! Freedom of expression, organization and demonstration is a fundamental human right!
We therefore call on the Danish authorities to immediately cancel the planned judicial trials and respective accusations! Real and responsible climate action is needed on the part of the Danish government not a simulation of such in form of strength demonstration!

The Climate Collective -