A donative campaign for legal conservation of nature

Mar 08, 2013
A donative campaign for legal conservation of nature
Hello Friends,

The lack of justice is the most accurate description of our reality. But, we who are part of the coalition “For the Nature'' – Bulgaria will not give up searching for justice and fighting against the destruction of our voiceless nature. We will try to find those who are responsible for the irreversible damage caused on our natural resources. We start a campaign in order to protect nature with the help of law.

The administration, the responsible institutions and politicians in our country have abdicated from their functions to imply control on the issues concerning nature. Thus, the citizens have no other choice but to unite their resources and efforts and watch closely if institutions adhere to laws and if they imply sanctions on those who are responsible for the destruction of our natural resources.

A specialized webiste is being developed for the needs of the campaign. The site will contain information with the most important and painful problems, the cases of ecological crimes, the need of resources and the necessary steps to follow in order to guarantee the adherence to laws, the citizens actions and the defense of our constitutionally guaranteed right for clean and healthy environment. On this website you will be able to find full and transparent account of the gathered money and sources, how they are spent, how you can help us, how and what kind of control you can imply as citizens in case you encounter serious offence against ecological legislation (how to make a complaint, how to send a signal, how to require access to public information, etc)

In order to guarantee the transparency of our campaign we have invited public figures who will take part in a supervisory committee that will keep track of the resources that are gathered and spent for actions aimed at protecting nature in a legal way.
The website will be ready soon, until then to your attention we present two cases, which need an urgent financial support for the fight in the court.

Learn more what kind of help is needed for Irakli
Learn more what kind of help is needed for Rila mountain

You can support us by:

- Making a donation – bank details - BG 30PRCB92301042572829 , Procredit Bank, BIC: PRCBBGSF
- Registering for donation of a small sum of money collected every month ( contact us - contact@forthenature.org )
- Inviting volunteers of the coalition “For the Nature “, Bulgaria to explain to your colleagues the problems and the necessary support
- spreading information

We are grateful for the support we received from the Foundation “Help for the Charity in Bulgaria''
Until we start living in a normal country where laws are not violated, the citizens actions and involvement will be the only guarantee that criminals who destroy our natural resources do not get away unpunished. Support us to find justice!