Foresters as Eng. Venelin Radkov (State Forestry “Kosti’') and Eng. Vergil Baykalov (State Forestry “Dospat”) were dismissed on the grounds of failure to execute the financial plan for the first 6 months of the year. At the same time their high professional achievements were not taken into consideration -both forestries have been accredited with international forestry FSC certification. The FSC certification signifies that the forests are managed in a responsible and sustainable manner, respecting the balance between economic, social and environmental aspects . A few of the oldest forests in the country are preserved In the territory of State Forestry “Kosti and State Forestry “Dospat” Currently as a result to the FCS certification certain areas of the forests are separated as forests without economic intervention and usage.
The Coalition highlighted that the dismissal of professionals with experience, who above all care for the forest, and appointment of people with questionable or discreditable reputation is a prerequisite for promoting unprofessional practices, corruption and political dependence, which is always at the expense of the forest governance.
Their work speaks for themselves:
Thanks to Eng. Mr. Venelin Radkov a system for promptly recording of fires and intruders was established in “Kosti”. During the management of Eng. Radkov the so called practice “Saarland method for natural forestry maintenance and preservation of ancient forests”, which is an undeniable proof of his foresight management and contribution to future generations was introduces in the territory of the State Forestry.
Eng. Vergil Baykalov became famous after retrieving to the state nearly 1,250 acres of forests, which were illegally restituted back in 2002 using forged documents. Furthermore, he brought lawsuits against restitutes for loss of earnings and for completed slash of ancient forests.
Petko Arnaoudov was the Mayor of Tzarevo (elected with the support of BSP) for three consecutive terms and is notorious as the “liquidator of Strandja Nature park”. He became famous with outragesous actions related with the illegal settlement 'Zlatna Perla ', development plans for the beach ‘Koral’ and overdevelopment of the area ‘Butamqta’ in ‘Sinemoretz’, put pressure for change in the urban plan of Tsarevo, to allow the construction development in the protected territory of Strandja Nature Park.
Political castlings create preconditions for new abuses of power with the forest managements system
Aug. 31, 2013