World Wetlands Day Marked in Shabla

“GREEN BALKANS' Federation
Feb. 12, 2014
World Wetlands Day Marked in Shabla
The event was ogranised by the Green Balkans federation and the Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds. Both organisations are carrying out projects on the conservation of the rare Red-breasted Goose in the area of the Shabla and Durankulak lakes.
The Shabla and Durankulak lakes are wetlands of international importance, both included on the Ramsar List. Thousands of birds find refuge in the area every year. The beauty and biodiversity of the region are unprecedented, however there is still the need to work on increased awareness and understanding as well as the application of environmentally friendly approaches for the economic and social development of the area.
Wetlands and the environment as a whole are not simply a resource to be used or destroyed according to human need and fancy. They are the source of life itself. This was the main message dedicated to the wetlands which the organisers presented to the young participants at the Green Training Center.
Initially, there were not many children keen to take part in the activities. The challenging and busy school programme, not perfectly suited to the children’s needs was possibly the reason for the kids not being too keen on the latest educational pursuit. To their surprise however, this time there were no piles of information waiting to be learnt by heart. Rather, the messages around the World Wetlands Day were delivered almost entirely through games and friendly conversation.
The children created rain through sound, examined photos of natural and artificial wetlands, and found out the reasons why every autumn, Red-breasted Geese fly over 6,000 km to Shabla and Durankulak. In a game, the children took off on a goose’s wings and flew on an imaginary cosmic journey, to embrace Earth and to hear her message. During their game they also learnt why wetlands are so important both for birds and for humans. Participants also enjoyed a geese relay competition and painting wetlands together.
The organisers would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the Green Training Center in Shabla for their hospitality and professionalism.