The first part of the training will be conducted in the period of 28-30 of April in Sofia. Part of the themes that will be covered by the training include: Role, importance and forms of civic monitoring and advocacy for the process of policy and decision making; Nature protection in Bulgaria, Acts and regulations for nature protection; How to react when a violation of an act/regulation is found; Rights for information access; Examples for civic initiatives and advocacy and how they influence on policy measure; Presenting the Norwegian experience: The role of the Norwegian society for nature protection; Involvement of stakeholders in nature protection; Role of the Norwegian NGOs; Possibilities for utilization and access to data bases for the needs of nature protection; Campaigns and advocacy; Methods for evaluation of the values of biodiversity and linking it with the economics and with the decision and policy making process.
The second part of the training is dedicated to the work with spatial data (GIS) and will be with duration of three days. It is going to be held in September/October 2014 in the central parts of Bulgaria. Participants who take part in the first part of the training must also participate in its second part.
The training is dedicated especially for natural sience students, but also for youths (18-29 years old). Nevertheless the target group is not closed and if there are free places they will be provided to other people who are willing to participate in the training.
If you are interested in participating in the training please send a request for participation via email to not later than 09.04.2014. Please provide information for your names, age, topic of study and year of study (applicable for students) and current occupation (for non-students).
The participation in the training is free of charge since it is part of the GIS project funded by the the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Project GIS or ”Building Capacity of Non-governmental Organizations, Youths and Citizens for Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Strengthening the Monitoring Skills and Advocacy of Policies for Regional Sustainable Development” is funded by the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
Contact person:
Peter Todorov,
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation
Phone: 0893 543 243