A department of Nature Park “Vrachanski Balkan” at the Executive Forest Agency will host a seminar for trainers

A department of Nature Park “Vrachanski Balkan” at the Executive Forest Agency will host a seminar for trainers
In three days period, the participants will exercise methods of active learning and discuss the possibilities of building a responsible citizen through formal and informal education.

The content of the seminar is oriented towards the relation between democracy and sustainable development in the context of education. The theories of the democratic, civic and sustainable education will be observed. During the activities, the organizers will present and demonstrate “A methodical box with 96 methods and techniques for the implementation of educational activities”, which will give examples for activities that develop civic, personal and practical skills of the trainees (so called “skills for the future”).

Games from the Guide for the execution of educational activities in Nature Park “Vrachanski Balkan” will be also played during the seminar.