Exhibition – “Sakar”- land of treasures

“GREEN BALKANS' Federation
Jan. 15, 2015
Exhibition – “Sakar”- land of treasures
The event is organized by the Municipal History Museum – Svilengrad and SNC “Green Balkans” under the project “Recovery of the beloshipata vetrushka” LIFE11 NAT/BG/360 executed with the support of Program LIFE by EC.

Through series of attractive photos thematically selected and arranged in a row of informational wax-works, the organizers present in front of the guests and citizens of Svilengrad the treasures of Sakar mountain. The beautiful nature and the rich biodiversity are hidden in this less known mountain. The rich cultural- historical heritage, the grand history and glorious battles, forgotten events – all that you will find if you visit the exhibition at the Museum of History in Svilengrad.

Due to border situation and during the Cold War, for the past decades, the mountain was almost unapproachable for tourists – researchers and amauters.

Today the region is part of the ecological net “NATURA 2000” and it is part of the initiative “European Green Belt”. The conserved rare and protected species at the region for example – king eagle, beloopashata vetrushka, different species of orchids, tortoises and others can be observed in combination with many cultural- historical see sightings. Churches built into the rocks, dolmen, castles and battle krastonosen remains reveal memories from different epochs and dynamic past of the region.

The exhibition is organized in the frames of the Green Balkan’s project – “Recovery of the beloshipa vetrushka” LIFE11 NAT/BG/360 and it is elaborated in support with the British- Bulgarian society for friendship and the Association “Matochina”.