Recommendation to the Ministry of Environment and Water as the Contracting Authority of Pirin Management Plan to suspend its development on account of violations of the Environment Protection and Biological Diversity Acts

Feb. 04, 2015
Recommendation to the Ministry of Environment and Water as the Contracting Authority of Pirin Management Plan to suspend its development on account of violations of the Environment Protection and Biological Diversity Acts
The project Management Plan of Pirin NP defines the framework of the future development of investment proposals on Attachments #1 and #2 of the Environment Protection Act of considerable areas. Moreover, the Ministry of Environment and Water has in the past published decisions for subjecting some parts of these proposals and projects to a mandatory environmental assessment. According to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Acts the environmental impact assessment and the compatibility assessment of such plans are conducted simultaneously with their preparation, taking into account their goals, the territorial scope and the degree of detail, in order to be identified, described and assessed in the most suitable way the possible impacts of the execution of the investment proposal, which these plans and programs include. The Law requires the environmental assessment to comply wholly with the actual procedures for preparation and approval of the Plan.