The rank TRAVELIFE PARTNER is not, however, only an acknowledgement for the efforts put throughout the years and the active engagement of Odysseia-In with the values of the responsible touristic development. TRAVELIFE platform, developed with the support of EC in order to increase the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the European touristic industry, is the leading certification system for sustainability activities within the touristic sector. TRAVELIFE PARTNER certificate attests that Odysseia-In respects over 100 criteria for sustainable touristic activities and has implemented procedures for the increase of the corporate culture and social responsibility in all main areas of touristic business development – internal management, product development, management of the supply chain and negotiation with suppliers, customer relations, interactions with destinations. TRAVELIFE standards cover aspects of seven international standards, including ISO 14001 on environmental management, ISO 26000 on CSR, The Ecolabel scheme, EMAS III, etc. and they are officially accepted for full conformance with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, supported by UN.
Over 35 national touristic associations, including such in Asia, Africa and Latin America promote the system through their members and work towards the achievement of more sustainable operations.
Here are several of the activities, through which the company covers the certification requirements:
• Positioning of destination Bulgaria on the map of the adventure and rural tourism;
• Approving and validating the profession “Mountain leader”;
• Development of new destinations within the Bulgarian market;
• Creation of specialized tourist products and itineraries, with no-analog in Bulgaria;
• Creating and the marketing of the network of guest – houses (in cooperation with BAAT);
• Development of remembering issues as “The mountain at close”, “Sustainable and responsible tourism”, “To Bulgaria with inspiration”, volumes of guides (in cooperation with BAAT), as well as short documentaries and the animation “Zigzag to Bulgaria”;
• New look and alternative vision for the development of the Bulgarian tourism;
• Engaging in the protection of the cultural and natural heritage and the living traditions by participating in protests, initiating and supporting of civil initiatives and projects (Samokov nunnery, Seslav monastery “St. Nicholas”, the first forestation campaigns in Pirin and Vitosha, “3 euro campaign for the Bulgarian nature”, campaigns in favor of the coalition “For the Nature”, salvation of the nest of the Golden Eagle…) and open – door civil discussions as for example the “Forum Mountains”
• Setting up a new form of festivals and exhibitions with an interactive character – “Challenge days”, “Green days” – in cooperation with BAAT, and “Bike and Run for Chepun” – a large - scale competition for mountain bikes and runners, with a cause