The first little Griffon Vulture hatched in Stara Planina since 70 years

“GREEN BALKANS' Federation
Jun 18, 2015
The first little Griffon Vulture hatched in Stara Planina since 70 years
What has happened is indeed unique and comes after tens of years of work of BPPS in the region – draft project studies, threats assessment and available food base, multiple contacts with local people and institutions. This success comes after just six years of setting at large of a total of 32 griffon vultures from the volary. In the last year the place has turned into a favourite place for food and leisure of vultures not only from Vrachanski Balkan, but also from other regions of setting at large in Stara Planina and Kresna, and birds marked in Croatia, Serbia and even Israel. The first attempts in nesting were registered last year, and this year we counted at least five territorial couples. However, the bad weather this year, the late snow and cold damped our hopes that young and inexperienced birds will hatch.

Yet, the wonder has happened!

We heartily hope the little one will get strong and grow up to become the first vulture hatched in nature and flown free in the Balkan Mountain!
Moments like this keeps the faith for us that efforts, sleepless nights, transfer of birds, dragging stinking food, searching for sick and weak vultures, writing of reports and projects, all of that has had some meaning and is a good step towards the Return of the vultures in Bulgaria!