Minutes from the meeting: http://www.ekoarhiv.bg/dokumenti/otgovor-ot-mvnr-po-zdoi-s-protokol-ot-sreshta-v-parizh-s-yunesko-i-razrabotvashtite-pu
The provided information includes the opinion of the Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre about the proposed project for MP of National Park Pirin:
- That if the Ministry of Tourism wants to develop tourism, it is not necessary to be within the World Heritage site Pirin, but it has all the rest of the country`s territory.
- The Convention requires detailed management plans for all areas and if the plan about Pirin provides tourist activity, there needs to be an assessment of this activity on environmental impact. (APB Note: Noting that currently the prepared draft plan for Pirin is neither detailed nor has the EIA report).
- That in its current form the draft management plan for Pirin is unacceptable for IUCN.
- That Bulgaria has proposed and UNESCO Convention has agreed that within the heritage site will not be developed skiing and that the proposal discussed with Mr. Rao is the opposite of that position.
- The recommendation of the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre is for invitation for IUCN advisory mission in Bulgaria, which to indicate weaknesses and potential problems before adoption of the draft plan. Possible option is also a visit by a delegation of all interested parties in the IUCN headquarters in Switzerland for an advisory meeting in connection with the preparation of the plan.