1. Open the page of Natural park “Vitosha” http://pu-vitosha.com and on the left open “Management Plan”
2. A complicated menu opens up, on the left you choose documents, and on the right after “Final reports from research and studies completed during the process of the plan development, demonstrating the implementation of the specific stage” you enter in: Project for management plan http://pu-vitosha.com/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82…/
3. If you’ve got the nerves read the whole 633 pages plan, if not go directly to page 524 (547 in the pdf document). These are the regimes for construction for the whole park (picture 1). ONLY the construction of new hotels and villa buildings, production, storage and infrastructure buildings are banned. All remaining buildings are allowed, including mall. However it is important not to place the mall next to a chalet, so it is not taken as an expansion of the chalet, which is also forbidden. The best is to do it on the Vitosha plateau between the two reserves, close to some newly planned lift.
4. Nevertheless when you determine which zone of the park you want to build a mall in, check the regimes according to zones also. (picture 2).
The whole territory between the reserves “Torfeno Branishte” and “Bistrishko Branishte” is a zone for buildings and facilities. There is also no problem to build a mall here, you just have to prepare a Detailed Structure Plan (DSP). But you also have to do this if you build in the center of Sofia, so the procedure is the same.
Conclusion: It will be possible to build on Vitosha as easy as in Sofia. Even a little bit easier, because the land will be cheaper. And less neighbours too…
And at the end we allow ourselves a quote from a letter of “Proless Engineering” of a standpoint regarding this same plan:
“Not to find ourselves in a situation to explain and interpret the legal decrees and how much they are unshakable, and how we have implemented exactly them, and not aspirations and/or whimsies of incompetent “babblers” (the expression doesn’t allude to you specifically, and it is from the plot of a play), we inform you directly that from a professional point of view, we cannot and we won’t cover your proposals.”
How to build ourselves a mall on Vitosha – for dummies
Nov. 27, 2015