MEPs voted the adoption of the report on mid-term evaluation of the European strategy for halting the loss of biodiversity by 2020. The vote, which was supported by almost all members of the Parliament, underlines the importance of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the need for their full implementation and observation. In the report, the European Parliament opposes the possible revision of the two directives, arguing that "this will lead to a weakening of their legal protection and funding and is bad for the environment, for the people and for the business." According to the issued statement, the directives are flexible enough to ensure that economic development and protection of the environment will go hand in hand.
The European Parliament called for appropriate conservation and management measures, for adequate funding and coordination with other EU policies such as the agriculture and energy sectors for a successful recovery of species and habitats by 2020. Similar is the position of WWF, other NGOs and governments of European countries.
Together with its partners in the coalition "For the Nature in Bulgaria", WWF actively engages institutions in support of Natura 2000. On October 30, 2015 representatives of the coalition discussed with the Minister of Environment and Water Resources Ivelina Vasileva the future of the ecological network. Minister Vassileva also confirmed the thesis that the framework and objectives of the European Directives for Natura should not be changed.
"Natura 2000 is one of the few renowned working, supranational instruments for nature conservation in the world - said Vesselina Kavrakova, head of WWF's Bulgaria. - The eco-network is one of the greatest achievements of the European Union, which provides opportunities for cross-border protection of forests, rivers, plants and animals and thus provides resources and a healthy environment for the community of European countries. This model is a chance for Europe and an opportunity for the rest of the world and is very important to be supported and developed "- emphasizes Kavrakova.
We would like to remind that 9 EU Member States advocated in accordance for environmental legislation and stressed that the main problems are not the directives themselves, but rather their application. Eleven of the Environment Ministers of the Member States, also said their countries will support the existence of the network and will insist on its quality implementation.
Part of the evaluation process of the Natura legislation was to consult all European citizens and it was made possible earlier this year by the European Commission. More than 520,000 citizens indicated their support for Natura 2000. The evaluation process is conducted by the Commission and is expected to be completed in 2016.
Additional information:
For the period 1990 - 2010 the value of economic losses from natural disasters in the European Union equals approx. € 163 billion. Protected areas such as Natura 2000, maintain healthy and thriving ecosystems that play a vital role in mitigating the effects of these disasters.
In Europe about 4.4 million jobs and € 405 billion annual turnover depends on the maintenance of healthy ecosystems - most of which are located within the Natura 2000 network.
Natura 2000 network stores about 9.6 billion tons of carbon, equivalent to 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide (valued at between 600 and 1.13 trillion euros to 2010).
According a recent study by the Commission on the benefits arising from Natura 2000, the estimate is currently in the range of 200-300 billion annually.