Coalition for the climate – Bulgaria presented practical guidelines how everyone can put solar installations at home

Coalition for the climate – Bulgaria presented practical guidelines how everyone can put solar installations at home
Marching all the way took a little more than two years, kilogrammes of paper and innumerous visits to various authorities but Iliyan is optimistic. “Despite the described difficulties the investment is still worth. It recovers the period of recovering reduces. The funds invested in photovoltaic stations are more profitable than their deposit to a bank and the installation of photovoltaics itself results in better electric system of the households – for example it reduces the probability for electric shock,” states Iliyan Iliev.

The production of electric power from renewable energy sources (RES) by the households, public sector and small businesses has undoubtedly perspectives for development. The small RES installations offer significant benefits for the energy system, society and environment, but the acting legislation does not foster the production and consumption of such energy locally.

The great number of regulatory regimes and administrative requirements with which the small producers of RES electric power should comply does not lead to decentralization of energy production.

“The solar installations not only could make us independent of the energy system, but they also do not emit fine dust particles. The pollution in our cities is a huge problem. The burning of coals for home heating is a practice which should be left in the past. So we insist for policies which to promote the applying of solar energy decisions in the households,” comments Teodora Stoyanova from “Greenpeace”-Bulgaria.

The logbook-guidebook goes with a detailed “Analysis of the legal framework regarding the procedures related to the engineering and exploitation of the photovoltaic installations in the public sector and households”, elaborated by the lawyer Alexander Asenov and the Public centre for environment and sustainable development (PCESD).

The elaborated analysis of the legislative and regulatory framework is the first step for the start of a dialogue between the responsible authorities from which the unburdening of the regimes for the small RES installations depends. At the same time the logbook-guidebook aims to show the people that putting of RES installations at home is possible. Following and upgrading the experience of Iliyan Iliev people who want to be energy producers and to reduce their energy dependence could do it.

The logbook and detailed information for the proposed changes and recommendations for improvement of the legislative framework: