Blog_action_468x60.jpg[/imgleft"> This new blog already exists and an occasion for you to get on board might be the Blog Action Day for Environment Awareness – October 15. " /> Bluelink created a new blog for all who care about Bulgarian nature

Bluelink created a new blog for all who care about Bulgarian nature

Aug. 27, 2007
On October 15, bloggers from all over the world will write on a common topic – environment protection. Everyone can register a blog at and blog their thoughts on the topic of their interest. The goal is to get a large number of people involved that will simultaneously state their position in favor of a sustainable future and clean nature. The site offers banners that everyone can download and put on their blog in support of the event.

The participation of Bulgarian bloggers would be a useful move within the efforts to attract the government’s attention to the ruining of Bulgarian nature and the deteriorating environmental conditions we live in. Because as all bloggers already found out, the authorities read blogs…?

Source: Bluelink