Belasitsa Natural Park (MP scheme for illegal logging)

Belasitsa Natural Park (MP scheme for illegal logging)

Joint investigation of Nova Television and the Coallition "For the Nature" revealed a major scheme for illegal logging in the forests of Nature Park "Belasitza" over Petrich. The scheme is linked to the MP Dimitar Tanev, who was charged by Nova TV in canvassing among employees of forestry in Petrich. This probably explains the reasons for the continuing for years ".the destruction of ancient forests in the Belasitsa Nature park.

Data for major violations in the forests of Belasitsa and the presence of potential corruption scheme in forestry unit were confirmed after complaints of NGOs folowed by two major audits of the Southwestern state enterprise.

In the scheme are involved the directors of the state forestry unit Petrich Rosen Baev and Hristo Mitov, foresters Emil TrenevBoycho ByrzakovVictor Byrzakov, and CFO Maria Tencheva. For it turned out that they know all institutions, but nobody is taking action because of political protection!