
The illegal construction in the Strandzha Natural Park began and ended before the very eyes of all institutions.
Kara dere
Karadere area is located between the town of Byala and the village of Goritsa in proximity to the north slopes of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountain). The area is wild, there is no infrastructure, and is valued and visited by a growing number of tourists, including families with children, foreign citizens and tourists lodging in neighbouring resorts.
Kamchiya's Sands
This unique natural site seems to be doomed due to a decision by the Supreme Administrative Court. As a result of this judicial precedent 250 more protected natural territories in the whole country are also at risk.
The region Emine-Irakli is one of the last nine wild areas along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast with preserved nature, survived from the construction, which has taken over almost the entire coastline.

In 1994 a small protected area is declared, including the south part of Irakli beach and further south towards Emine cape, a total of 42.3 ha. The whole area Irakli - Emine is taken inventory of and defined as a draft-NATURA 2000 zone.
The Bojurets Golf Complex
The small villages of Bojurets and Topola are located between the towns of Balchik and Kavarna. They are nearly depopulated now but the surrounding nature is unique. On the landsliding terrace above the sea, which not long ago was virgin and incredibly beautiful, diverse rare and endangered animal and plant species had one оf their last refuges on our urbanized and concrete-covered Black Sea coast. On the white limestone slopes full of fossils of the warm disappeared Sarmatian sea one can see steppe plants some of which can be found only in this region of Bulgaria and even in the world. These are the unique aromatic stock (Mathiola Odoratissima), Goniolimon Besseranum, Jurinea Stoechadifolia), Alyssum Caliacrae, Nepeta Parviflora, Ephedra Distachya, Artemisia Lerchiana) and others. On the steep white screes over the sea Rhus Coryaria creates unique communities practically having no analogue in Bulgaria.
Gold extraction that includes the use of cyanide become increasingly dangerous threat to the Bulgarian nature and, most importantly, to the life and health of the local people. Huge projects for gold extraction using the cyanide method are prepared for variety of Bulgarian regions, including the Eastern Rodope mountains, the Sredna Gora mountain and the Western Bulgarian mountains in the area of Tran. As investors of those projects appear the most notoriously known mine companies world-wide, whose management"s background include criminal activities all around the world.
The Rhodopes - ski resort Super Perelik
On 8 June 2007 the Municipal Expert Council of the Municipality of Smolyan authorized the Modification of the General Spatial Plan (GSP) of the “Perelik sports and tourist center” by Decree No.624/08.06.2007 without carrying out any Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and following Article 6 procedures. This is in violation of Articles 3(2) and 4(1) of the SEA Directive (2001/42/EEC) and Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) concerning projects in the “Rodopi-Zapadni” pSCI (BG0001030) and “Trigrad Mursalitsa” SPA (BG0002113) which are on the Buglarian Natura 2000 sites list.
Rila (Kartala)
Construction of a cabin-lift in Rila Mountain authorized by the Municipality of Blagoevgrad without an EIA in violation of Art. 92 of the Environmental Protection Act and Art. 144 of the Spatial Development Act;
Complaint by NGOs to the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor’s Office and DG Environment (EC)
Rila and the ski resorts, Panichishte
The Rila Mountains are home to one of the largest National Parks in Europe. It is a safeguarded place for national and world treasures – undisturbed wilderness, wild animals, and rare plants. People, for centuries, have lived in relative harmony with nature in the foothills of the mountains. That is, until recently.
Now, the area is rapidly changing with the arrival of offshore companies that plan to invest millions of euros in large-scale ski-resorts on the territory of Rila National Park.
Rila and the ski resorts (Iskrovete-Maljovitsa)
The beatiful region of Maljovitsa in Rila mountain is privatised by highly illegal practices of "forest swaps" aimed at the construction of a new ski resort in the forested lands of Govedartsi village, Samokov Municipality, instead of forest management improvement practices. Forest swaps are alleged illegal state aid according to Art. 87 of the European Treaty. How can a bulgarian investor build a ski resort by illegal state aid - the case is being investigated by the EC...
Vitosha Nature park - Aleko
Updated information as of 09.07.2012 on the case about the amendment “Vitosha Ski” to the Bulgarian Forestry Act, and the dangers resulting from it, as well as on the civil disobedience and protests that followed the adoption of the amendments
Bansko ski area in Pirin National Park
Pirin National Park is one of the three national parks in Bulgaria. Unique natural resources like more than 120 years old coniferous forests, including the oldest tree on the Balkan Peninsula – so-called Baikusheva mura (Bosnyan pine), the Wonder tree at Troyanska meadow, ancient Macedonian pine called Candlesticks in the region Bjala reka (White river), the old-growth beach forests, the rare edelweiss and the remarkable natural formations, which Pirin possesses make the case for its preservation for the country as well as for the world.
Eastern Rodopi mountains – illegal investment plans threaten biodiversity
The Eastern Rodopi Mountains are among the most beautiful and untouched places in Bulgaria. With their specific landscape and rocky outcrops this place has become a stronghold of biodiversity.

Many endangered species live and nest here. This is the only place where the three vulture species seen in the country make their nests – the White-headed Vulture, the Black Vulture and the Egyptian Vulture. Moreover, this is the place with the greatest variety of carnivorous birds in Bulgaria