
Bansko municipality plans to construct 8 new neighbourhoods, allowing for an additional 40 000 beds
Aug. 26, 2016
The threat of construction looms over National Park “Pirin”.

The coalition of NGOs and civic groups “For the Nature” issued a statement disclosing transgressions of the Forest management in relation to their decision to allow the construction of an additional 8 living complexes able to host an additional 40 000 beds without carrying out an environmental impact assessment (EIA). In doing so Bansko’s population would increase to a maximum of 60 000 at peak times. We stress this fact in light of the capacity of the new sanitation station of the city, which is an equivalent value of 30 000.
Andrey Kovachev and Boyan Petrov have fallen victim to a road incident in the Kresna gorge
Aug. 23, 2016

Andrey Kovachev from Balkani Wildlife Society and the famous alpinist and biologist Boyan Petrov have fallen victim to a road incident in the Kresna gorge this morning at around 11:20 am. Dressed with light-reflector waistcoats, they had been walking by the road in the region of Osmanska Chesma. They have injuries, but are sociable and at the moment they are being transported to the Military Medical Academy in Sofia.
 7% of the habitats in the Natura 2000 network have been determined as old-growth forests where logging is prohibited
Aug. 11, 2016
Representatives of For the Nature Coalition attended a meeting organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) and the Executive Forest Agency (EFA); there it was announced that 7% of the habitats in the Natura 2000 network have been determined as old-growth forests in the state forest estates. This is the result of a project run by MAF and EFA, and aimed at the preservation of at least 10% of the old-growth forests.

The old-growth forests where the authorities propose a prohibition of logging can be seen here:
Who will be responsible for the action against Bulgaria taken by the EC for “Rila buffer”?
Jul 25, 2016
Despite the insistence of environmentalists, the institutions disregarded the EU rules.

Who will bear responsibility for the action against Bulgaria taken at the Court of the European Union for not providing of protected areas for the wild birds in Rila? This question is asked by the Coalition of nongovernmental organizations and civil groups “Let’s nature remains in Bulgaria” after the European Commission announced its decision at the end of last week to bring the matter to the court. Besides causing damages to nature the negligence of the institutions could be costly to the taxpayers.
Why the European Commission started a law case against Bulgaria regarding the missing protected zone “Rila Buffer”
Jul 25, 2016
In relation to the decision of the European Commission (EC) today to start a lawsuit against Bulgaria at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding the unprovided protected areas on wild birds in Rila mountain and the assertions of MoEW on the topic, we let ourselves to present you the specific view of the representative of the Sofia University (SU) “St. Kliment Ohridski”, assistant professor, Dr. Rosen Tsonev at the National Council for Biodiversity (NCB) with his permission. We believe that the statements of the Bulgarian academic minds should reach out to everyone, but not to be kept only in the files of the ministries, considering that it is obviously a preference of the government to consider the statements of few business companies and municipalities as an official national stand in the last 10 years.
Nature advocates insist for urgent forests reforms
Jul 18, 2016
After the consecutive journalists’ investigation revealed the systematic problems regarding the management of Bulgarian forests, the Coalition of non-governmental organizations and civic groups “Let Nature Remain in Bulgaria” and the “Green Laws” Initiative insist the government to undertake urgent reforms of the forest management system. These changes should guarantee that the public forests will not any longer be used for the luxury lives of the ones, who manage them, whereas the income from logging to get concentrated in a limited circle of people and companies, serving political interests.
UNESCO enjoined Bulgaria to present for review the new Management Plan for Pirin National Park
Jul 15, 2016
The current version of the Plan puts the world natural heritage site under threat

UNESCO’s world heritage Committee enjoined Bulgaria to present for review the new Management Plan for Pirin. As per the decision taken yesterday in Istanbul, the Plan shall undergo an environmental assessment and compliance assessment. Bulgaria shall have to inform UNESCO on all developments in Pirin, and not to allow any new constructions before the new Plan is adopted.
Today or tomorrow UNESCO will announce its decision on Pirin
Jul 13, 2016
Kazakhstan’s delegation has requested opening for discussion of the decision on Bulgarian national park, its motives are unclear

Today or tomorrow, during the 40th session of UNESCO’s Committee on World Natural Heritage, which takes place in Istanbul, the international organization will take a decision on Pirin National Park, which belongs to UNESCO’ list of world natural heritage, announces the Coalition of Non-Governmental and Civil Groups “Let Nature Remain in Bulgaria”.
UNESCO with a decision on Pirin at its annual session in Istanbul
Jul 11, 2016
The Organisation’s natural heritage committee demands the draft Management Plan for Pirin National Park to be approved by it.

The state of the Bulgarian National Park Pirin is on the agenda at the starting today in Istanbul 40th session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee, announces the Coalition of Non-Governmental Organisations and Civil Groups “Let Nature Remain in Bulgaria”.

UNESCO has prepared a draft decision, in which it expresses its concern on account of the new draft Management Plan for Pirin National Park, and Bulgarian authorities are urged to not take any final decision on this Plan before it is subjected to a strategic ecological assessment and approved by the Committee itself and by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) .
Over 80% of the supporters of leading parties in Bulgaria are in favour of a ban on construction plans in Karadere, Irakli and Koral
Jun 28, 2016
A record portion from the supporters of leading parties both from the ruling coalition, as well as from the opposition parties, are in favour of the introduction of special measures for the protection of wild areas along the Black Sea Coast, as well as of the ban on construction plans in them; the measures were proposed by the citizens’ groups for the protection of Karadere, Irakli and Koral. The detailed information about the opinion of supporters of the political parties comes from a national representative survey carried out by Gallup International in May 2016 (, that was kindly provided to Citizens’ Initiative Save Karadere.
The Giant “Holzindustrie Schweighofer” lost FSC certificate for illegal logging.
Twelve Bulgarian forestries are left temporary without international certificate because of irregularities.

The Austrian logging giant “Holzindustrie Schweighofer” lost its certificate for traceability, after the discovery that the company was involved in illegal logging in Romania. The FSC certificate of the company is suspended on 22 of June 2016, in response of signals from WWF and other environmental organizations for the revealed violations. The license of the certifying company “Quality Austria”, which worked with Shweighofer, was also suspended for six months at the end of May.
Bulgaria is the third country in Europe to introduce the newest requirements for responsible forest management
Bulgaria deposited at the end of the last week the national standard for responsible forest management. Thus our country becomes only the third country in Europe (after Portugal and France) which adapts its national standards towards the newest requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The elaboration of the standard is a result of two-year work of a working group, which comprised representatives of various ministries, authorities and organizations, and which was coordinated by WWF.
Coalition for the climate – Bulgaria presented practical guidelines how everyone can put solar installations at home
Despite the serious difficulties which are met by the people willing to get energy independence there are also such ones who successfully deal with the hard task. Iliyan Iliev from the Public centre for environment and sustainable development (PCESD) elaborated and described a detailed logbook – guidebook for the steps and procedures which he had passed in order to be able to install successfully a small 1- Kw solar installation on his flat in Kaspichan.